St. John the Apostle Parish celebrates 75th anniversary

St. John the Apostle Parish celebrates 75th anniversary

CLARK/LINDEN, NJ — The Church of St. John the Apostle began its 75th anniversary celebration on Wednesday, Feb. 26, with a Gala Dinner at Nanina’s in the Park in Belleville. More than 250 parishioners and parish friends attended the event along with current Pastor Mauro Primavera and Auxiliary Bishop Elias R. Lorenzo, regional bishop for […]

Arthur L. Johnson Crusader Football scholarships are presented

Arthur L. Johnson Crusader Football scholarships are presented

CLARK, NJ — On Saturday, March 01, the Arthur L. Johnson High School Crusader Football Team had its annual post-season awards banquet. Head football coach Anthony DelConte presided over the event, as all athletes were honored for their contributions to Crusader Football. In addition, numerous scholarships were awarded to deserving student athletes throughout the evening. […]

Valley Road third-graders enjoy and write about hot chocolate

Valley Road third-graders enjoy and write about hot chocolate

CLARK, NJ — Recently, in honor of National Hot Chocolate Day, Juliana Cannata’s third-graders at Valley Road Elementary School enjoyed a cozy cup of hot chocolate while exploring different styles of writing. Students had the opportunity to choose their own writing prompt, whether it was informing the audience on the history of hot chocolate through […]

Valley Road School hosts Colonial Job Fair

Valley Road School hosts Colonial Job Fair

CLARK, NJ — On Friday, Jan. 17, ​fifth-grade students at Valley Road Elementary School participated in a Colonial Job Fair as the culmination to their social studies unit on Colonies. Organized by fifth-grade teachers Jessica Zerella, Alyssa Englert and Colleen MacNamara, the students stepped back in history to emulate apprentices and master artisans of the […]

Clark Recreation announces 2024 Volunteer Resident of the Year Award

Clark Recreation announces 2024 Volunteer Resident of the Year Award

CLARK, NJ — Recreation Director Ralph Bernardo presented the 2024 Volunteer Resident of the Year Award at the Clark Council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 21, recognizing an outstanding individual who has dedicated countless hours to supporting the community. “So many residents offer their services and volunteer their time to help the recreation department throughout the […]

Arthur L. Johnson High School students awarded with academic honors from College Board National Recognition Programs

Arthur L. Johnson High School students awarded with academic honors from College Board National Recognition Programs

CLARK, NJ — Arthur L. Johnson High School seniors Diva-Kai “Kai” Caro Vasquez and Alexandra “Bella” Gonzalez were recognized by College Board as National Recognition Program awardees. They both earned the National Hispanic Recognition Award. According to The College Board, The National Recognition Programs award academic honors to sophomores and juniors who take the fall […]

Second-generation Holocaust survivors speak at ALJ

Second-generation Holocaust survivors speak at ALJ

CLARK, NJ — On Monday, Jan. 27, students at Arthur L. Johnson High School had the opportunity to hear from second-generation Holocaust survivors Barbara Simon and Lydia Fogelman. The event was organized by Fredy Reyes, a distinguished member of the Arthur L. Johnson High School social studies department, alongside Humanities supervisor Olivia Miller. Reyes introduced […]

ALJ Unified plays first game of season against Union City

ALJ Unified plays first game of season against Union City

CLARK, NJ — On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Arthur L Johnson High School’s Unified played its first game of the season against Union City. Unified Sports is a program run by Special Olympics that supports students with and without disabilities playing sports together. The goal of this program is to establish relationships between students with and […]

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