ALJ Marching Crusaders are MetLife champions

ALJ Marching Crusaders are MetLife champions

CLARK, NJ — In October, Arthur L. Johnson High School’s marching band performed at the Ludwig Musser Classic at MetLife Stadium. Fifty-five bands of various sizes performed, and ALJ came home as Ludwig Open Group I class champions. ALJ music teacher Erik Krebl said, “Some of the best bands in the state were in attendance. […]

2022 Spring GPA Challenge Breakfast honors Challenge winners

2022 Spring GPA Challenge Breakfast honors Challenge winners

CLARK, NJ — On Thursday, Oct. 13, the Arthur L. Johnson Athletic Department had a breakfast in honor of the 2022 spring athletics GPA Challenge winners, the softball team. The event, sponsored by the Athletic Department, was in the Arthur L. Johnson High School cafeteria. The Crusader GPA Challenge prize is awarded each season to […]

Clark gets second gaga ball pit

CLARK, NJ — Veteran’s Memorial Park, commonly known as “the Pitt” to locals, may be more aptly nicknamed now, thanks to some members of Clark Girl Scout Troop 41248. These Scouts recently earned their Bronze Award by building a gaga ball pit at the park on Lupine Way. The Bronze Award is the highest award […]

Sept. 11 remembered at Valley Road School

Sept. 11 remembered at Valley Road School

CLARK, NJ — This year, the fourth- and fifth-graders of Valley Road Elementary School remembered Sept. 11 by reading the story “September Roses.” Students were able to see Sept. 11 through the eyes of two sisters who came to the city for a flower show but ended up with more than 2,000 roses and nowhere […]

School board candidates square off in upcoming election

UNION COUNTY — In addition to state, county and local municipal elections, Tuesday, Nov. 8, will also see Board of Education candidates square off and seek votes. Although many of the candidates have catchy slogans, in much the same manner as their cohorts on municipal councils and committees, the key element missing for BOE candidates […]

Election season roars to life in Union County

UNION COUNTY, NJ — With Election Day less than a week away, the entire state is looking toward the midterm election. In Union County, it is the county clerk’s office that is involved in much of the preparatory work, and a key element is security. “We do coordinate with the municipal clerks who are responsible […]

Valley Road School K-Kids thanks veterans

Valley Road School K-Kids thanks veterans

LARK, NJ — The fourth- and fifth-graders of Valley Road School’s K-Kids group completed their first schoolwide service project. They collected more than 230 cards made for veterans. The cards were mailed to Honor Flight, a nonprofit organization dedicated to transporting as many United States military veterans as possible to see the war memorials in […]

L’Oreal to open new research and innovation center in Clark

L’Oreal to open new research and innovation center in Clark

CLARK, NJ — L’Oreal USA on Tuesday, Sept. 27, announced that it will be opening a new, state-of-the-art research and innovation center in Clark, replacing its existing facilities, which it has occupied in the area for more than six decades. The $140 million development project represents the most significant investment in a research and innovation […]

Two ALJ High School students receive academic honors

Two ALJ High School students receive academic honors

CLARK, NJ — Arthur L. Johnson High School seniors Carina Hechevarria and Vincent Goodman were recently recognized as College Board National Recognition Program awardees. Hechevarria earned a National Hispanic Recognition Award and Goodman earned both a National African American Recognition Award and a National Hispanic Recognition Award. According to the College Board, the students “earned […]

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