CLARK, NJ — On Thursday, Oct. 13, the Arthur L. Johnson Athletic Department had a breakfast in honor of the 2022 spring athletics GPA Challenge winners, the softball team. The event, sponsored by the Athletic Department, was in the Arthur L. Johnson High School cafeteria.
The Crusader GPA Challenge prize is awarded each season to the team that finishes with the best overall grade-point average among athletic teams seasonally. Members of the softball team were presented with certificates, had their team memorialized on a plaque and were invited for a breakfast with the athletic director to celebrate their actions both in the classrooms and on the fields. Members of the softball team were Grace Cassidy, Maria Dante, Jillian Duffy, Gianna Frino, Samantha Gonzalez, Alexa Grasso, Brooke Hilton, Krista LaBianca, Shannon Lancellotti, Gabriella Muretta, Madden Puerari, Isabella Todaro, Lacey Vill and Alison Wysocki.
Arthur L. Johnson High School Athletic Director Gus Kalikas had this to say about the GPA Challenge winners from the spring season: “The Athletic Department is extremely proud of all the members of the softball team. The team was able to balance athletics and academics at the highest level, not only competing in the state tournament in the spring but also excelling in the classroom, which is evident by the cumulative GPA of 3.75 that the team held throughout the season. They are a model of what it means to be a student athlete, and the Clark School District is proud of all of their accomplishments.”
Photo Courtesy of Gus Kalikas