Clark gets second gaga ball pit

CLARK, NJ — Veteran’s Memorial Park, commonly known as “the Pitt” to locals, may be more aptly nicknamed now, thanks to some members of Clark Girl Scout Troop 41248. These Scouts recently earned their Bronze Award by building a gaga ball pit at the park on Lupine Way. The Bronze Award is the highest award that a junior Girl Scout can achieve. Alyssa Arnold, Naiana Caballero Herrera, April Fleckenstein, Gemma Galczynski, Lilijana Jadro, and Kaya Tasharofi each had to dedicate 20 hours of time toward the project. This included letter writing to get township permission for the build and donations from businesses. With the addition of profits from cookie and nut sales, the girls had the money needed to begin.

The Scouts built and painted the pit, and made a video tutorial that can be watched by scanning a QR code, for those who don’t know how to play the game. The new pit is equipped with an ADA-accessible door and ramp. Gaga ball is a softer version of dodgeball; players use a lightweight ball and hit other players only below the knees. The game ends when there is one person left in the pit who has not been tagged out.