Linden health officer named NJBIZ 2023 Public Health Hero

Linden health officer named NJBIZ 2023 Public Health Hero

LINDEN, NJ — The NJBIZ Healthcare Heroes awards recognize deserving professionals across 12 categories who have made a significant impact on health quality in New Jersey. On Friday, May 12, NJBIZ announced the winners, which include Aimee Puluso, the health officer of Linden. Puluso was named the NJBIZ 2023 Healthcare Hero in the Public Health […]

Porch pirates stopped by off-duty Linden police officer

Porch pirates stopped by off-duty Linden police officer

LINDEN, NJ — Two Brooklyn men were arrested after an off-duty Linden police officer saw them steal a package from the porch of a local home. On Wednesday, June 7, at approximately 2:10 p.m., an off-duty Linden police officer saw two men pick up a package from the porch of a home on the 1700 […]

Union County releases unofficial primary results

UNION COUNTY, NJ — Union County clerk Joanne Rajoppi has released the unofficial results, as of Friday, June 9, regarding Union County races in the primary election on Tuesday, June 6, with 100% of the districts reporting. All 434 districts have reported in Union County. According to the Union County Clerk’s Office, of the 337,479 […]

Note to our newspaper subscribers

Problems at the printing plant where our newspapers are printed have caused a delay in their distribution. Subscribers to the News-Record of Maplewood and South Orange, The Glen Ridge Paper, West Orange Chronicle, Irvington Herald, The Independent Press of Bloomfield, Record-Transcript and Union County LocalSource should receive their newspapers in Friday’s mail. We apologize for […]

Children’s Summer Theatre Workshop to be offered

LINDEN, NJ — Mystic Vision Players invites your children to spend their summer living and learning the love of theater at an affordable cost. The Children’s Summer Theatre Workshop is a six-week summer program for children ages 8-14 offering expert theater education by New Jersey-certified teachers for everyone from the novice to the seasoned performer. […]

Linden police to participate in UText. UDrive. UPay enforcement campaign

LINDEN, NJ — Law enforcement officers from the Linden Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers during April as part of New Jersey’s UDrive. UText. UPay. enforcement campaign. Beginning Saturday, April 1, and running through the end of the month, the high visibility law enforcement initiative will target motorists who engage in dangerous […]

Former Linden resident celebrates his 102nd birthday

Former Linden resident celebrates his 102nd birthday

NEWTON, MA — 2Life Communities resident Phil Schwartz celebrated his 102nd birthday last month at 2Life’s Coleman House campus in Newton, Mass. Schwartz served in World War II for four years, fighting in North Africa and Italy. Originally from Linden, Schwartz was married for 71 years before his wife, Miriam, died in 2012. Schwartz is […]

Linden teen helps new foster care law get passed

LINDEN, NJ — Deanna Lescouflair, a senior from Linden High School, helped write and advocate for the passage of legislation recently signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy to protect sibling relationships for children and teens in New Jersey’s child welfare system. The “Siblings’ Bill of Rights,” signed into law in January, codifies the rights […]

Linden police have sobriety checkpoint for end-of-year campaign

Linden police have sobriety checkpoint for end-of-year campaign

LINDEN, NJ — Law enforcement officials from Linden will be cracking down on drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs as part of the annual end-of-year “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” statewide campaign. Through Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023, local and state law enforcement officials will conduct saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints, looking for motorists who […]

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