Enlow Hall to host Herbie Hancock on opening night

UNION — Gene & Shelley Enlow Recital Hall at Kean University will open its 2013-2014 season with an unforgettable opening night concert by a true icon of modern music — legendary pianist and composer Herbie Hancock on Saturday, Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. Throughout his explorations, Hancock — a 14-time Grammy Award winner — has […]

Freeholders urge legalizing same sex marriage

UNION COUNTY – The legal recognition of marriage between same sex couples has been a topic of heated debate for years in the United States and New Jersey. Last week, the Union County Freeholder Board took a strong stance on the issue and they could be the first county governing body to do so in the […]

Two green thumbs up

Master Gardener Larry Dzieskowski, left, came right to the point with a group of Master Gardener interns during the group’s spring tour and clean-up visit to the Master Gardeners’ Trailside Demonstration Gardens on April 2, New Class Day. Sharing his gardening expertise, he described some of the unusual, beautiful, and soon-to-be returning plants in the […]

Longtime senator faces primary challenger

Sen. Lesniak faces primary challenger from current Roselle Board of Education president Obe

UNION COUNTY — Democrat State Sen. Ray Lesniak, Joe Cryan and Annette Quijano may run as a team, but the state senator is the only one being challenged in the primary. Roselle resident Donna Obe announced yesterday she would be seeking the Democratic nomination for state senate in the 20th legislative district running on the Real […]

Watchung Stable offering horseback riding as of April 6

UNION COUNTY — Spring is here again and Union County invites residents to get back into nature by visiting the Watchung Stable in Mountainside and taking a guided trail ride through the wooded Watchung Reservation – Union County’s largest park. “Horseback riding is a real treat,” said Union County Freeholder Chairman Linda Carter. “Taking a […]

Getting WILD at Trailside with new workshop program

The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders will offer an “Aquatic WILD” teacher-training workshop for teachers of grades K-12, at Trailside Nature and Science Center in Mountainside on Thursday, March 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Trailside is offering this new workshop, which is part of the Project WILD curriculum, for teachers in K-12 […]

St. Pat’s Parade ready to go

UNION COUNTY — Seventeen years after the first Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade stepped off on Morris Avenue the tradition continues on Saturday, March 16, at 1 p.m. sharp with thousands of marchers and spectators gathering to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland. This year’s Grand Marshal, Jim Tansey, will lead the march of […]

Union County College offers photography course

UNION COUNTY — If you enjoy taking pictures, learn how you can turn your passion into an income-generating business through a new non-credit certificate program at Union County College. Even if you just take pictures as a hobby, there are important techniques you can learn to improve your picture-taking abilities to get started. The class […]