Allstate Foundation seeks to raise awareness about domestic violence with ‘The Purple Purse’ campaign

Flamporis and QuijanoELIZABETH — Allstate New Jersey Insurance Company Corporate Counsel, Georgia Flamporis, recently passed a purple purse to Assemblywoman Annette Quijano, D-Union, in an effort to raise awareness about domestic violence – an epidemic that on average kills three American women each day.

The Purple Purse is The Allstate Foundation’s campaign against domestic violence. Thousands of purple purses will be passed throughout the country with the goal of sparking important conversations around the issue. For each purse passed and registered at, The Allstate Foundation will donate $5 to local YWCA chapters across the country.

Those who don’t receive a purse can still get involved by visiting to share a virtual purple purse. Each time a virtual purse is shared or re-shared, The Allstate Foundation will donate $5 to YWCA of Union County.