Straight talk at Hillside High School

IMG_27361HILLSIDE, NJ — On Tuesday, Feb. 23, Jayda, star of the 2016 television mini documentary series ‘Brick City’ spoke to a predominantly female student audience at Hillside High School.

Jayda discussed mistakes she made in her life and urged the audience to prioritize their education, resisting negative peer pressure and making better choices.

The event was sponsored by the Hillside Democratic County Committee. Pictured from left: Anthony Salters, Hillside Democratic Chairman, Jayda and Nancy Maloney Smith, Hillside Democratic District Leader .

2 Responses to "Straight talk at Hillside High School"

  1. Irene   February 25, 2016 at 10:51 am

    Congratulations for doing something great for the girls of Hillside HS. I hope they are learning from Jayda & her experiences! They all need role models!!!

  2. Jacqueline Maloney   February 25, 2016 at 7:55 pm

    Makes me proud to see family making a difference in this world.
    My cup runnth over