UNION COUNTY, NJ — Trinitas Regional Medical Center raised the NJ Sharing Network Donate Life Flag alongside the American flag on Aug. 31 in honor of a patient whose family gave the “gift of life” through organ and tissue donation. Trinitas honors donors and their families by raising the Donate Life Flag whenever an organ or tissue donor gives lifesaving or life-enhancing gifts to others.
Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer Mary McTigue said “These donations show the depth of compassion of donor families amidst their grief. Trinitas is proud to be part of this lifesaving effort and expresses both sincere sympathy and deep gratitude to every family that makes the choice to donate organs or tissues.”
Oscar Colon, RN, CPTC, NJ Sharing Network Clinical Donation Specialist at Trinitas, emphasizes what the Donate Life Flag means. “By raising the Donate Life Flag, hospitals acknowledge the gift of life, recognize the impact of the decision made, and create a sense of community that is very meaningful to donor families.”
Seeing the flag displayed has a great impact on the organ donor’s family and the hospital staff, Colon said.
“In one instance, a family had already left the hospital when they became aware that there was a flag being raised in honor of their loved one,” Colon said. “When they drove back to the hospital to see the flag, it was a very emotional experience for them. Later in the day, the family returned with more family and friends. They were extremely grateful that the hospital and NJ Sharing Network took the time to honor their loved one as a hero.”
Trinitas is among several New Jersey hospitals that fly the Donate Life Flag. More than just an ordinary flag, the Donor Flag is a symbol of honor and respect that pays tribute to those who are organ and tissue donors. Learn more about the work of the New Jersey Sharing Network by visiting www.NJSharingNetwork.org.
This is a really nice way to acknowledge those who are willing to help those in need in critical times.