LINDEN, NJ — Due to the pandemic, many people are out of work, quarantining indoors and social-distancing. The COVID-19 outbreak has crippled many. This negative impact on the economy has been felt on the front lines as well. But, thanks to Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery, many front-line workers in Union County have been receiving assistance. […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — The Union County Freeholders Infrastructure Grant program will fund various projects throughout the county, including parks, sewage drainage, road resurfacing and signage. In all, the Freeholders made awards to 21 municipalities as part of the sixth annual Union County Infrastructure Grant program, funding projects aimed at spurring economic development growth, and […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — The 2020 census, a once-a-decade system of counting every person living in the United States, is still underway. The U.S. Census Bureau and local officials are urging all residents to complete the census questionnaire. This is the first census with the option of replying online. According to its website, the Census […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — Each year Montclair State University hosts the Theatre Night Awards ceremony to promote and advance the commitment to high-quality straight play production in New Jersey’s secondary schools. The awards honor the accomplishments of individual achievement of both students and educators in the areas of performance, direction, design and technical theater, as […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — Gov. Phil Murphy announced May 4 that all New Jersey schools will remain closed throughout the remainder of the school year in an effort to stamp out the coronavirus outbreak and further flatten the curve. As a result, LocalSource spoke with several superintendents in Union County, who provided some insight on […]
RAHWAY / KENILWORTH, NJ — Merck announced last week that it will be consolidating its New Jersey operations into a single headquarters in Rahway by the end of 2023. While this is a boon for Rahway, it is a blow for Kenilworth, which has served as the home of Merck’s headquarters since 2015. Not answering […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — The statewide lockdown continues, all in the effort of flattening the curve of COVID-19. While statistics are showing progress on this front, the number of cases is still continuing to rise nationally, statewide and in Union County. As of April 21, according to statistics from the state, New Jersey has 92,387 […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — On March 13, as New Jersey confirmed 50 cases of coronavirus and universities canceled their in-person classes, Masjid Darul Islam, a mosque in Elizabeth, kept its doors open for the weekly Friday prayer. Roughly 700 congregants attended. A week later, on March 20 — after the state’s confirmed cases had risen […]
UNION COUNTY — COVID-19 has turned everything upside down. Even though New Jersey has seen some signs of flattening the curve this past week, the death toll continues to rise, as people of all ages have been sick and thousands have died from the virus. The goal is to flatten the curve in this country […]
UNION COUNTY, NJ — As New Jersey continues its statewide lockdown to stem the tide of the novel coronavirus, the state continues to see more and more confirmed COVID-19 cases and COVID-related deaths. As of April 14, according to statistics from the state, New Jersey has had 68,824 confirmed cases and 2,805 deaths. All in […]