Legal oversight stops Cranford in its tracks

Township keeps same contract with Westfield after learning layoff of employees was illegal

CRANFORD — It appears the township failed to do their homework completely before informing the two remaining Health Department employees they would be losing their jobs at the end of 2013. When former township administrator Joe Hartnett told full-time health inspector Monica Koscova Jencik and part-time deputy registrar of vital statistics Joan Holler in November […]

Disbarred Cranford-based attorney admits to stealing from clients

ELIZABETH –A West Orange man who once managed a Cranford-based law practice has admitted to stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from half a dozen clients, acting Union County Prosecutor Grace Park announced Tuesday. Appearing Monday before state Superior Court Judge Robert Mega, 41-year-old Sergio Pastor pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree theft by failure to make […]

‘Healthiest Show on Earth’ featured at Community Center on Jan. 11

CRANFORD — Children and their families are invited to join Muscle Man Mike and Soccer Sue in the “Healthiest Show on Earth” on Saturday, Jan. 11, at 3:30 p.m. in the Cranford Community Center. The Community Center is located at 220 Walnut Ave. This Fit4Kids program features instruction, laughter, fun, and exercise, as children are encouraged to keep their […]

Entrepreneurship 101 workshop offered for small business start-ups

CRANFORD – A six-week intensive workshop for start-up businesses — those in the idea/planning phase or in operation less than a year — is being offered by UCEDC, a statewide non-profit economic development corporation. Entrepreneurship 101 begins Thursday evening, Dec. 5, at UCEDC’s headquarters in Cranford. Participants will be guided through a real-world assessment of their business idea […]

The Cerebral Palsy League of Cranford holds annual 5K Run

CRANFORD — On Saturday, Oct. 19, the Cerebral Palsy League hosted its 11th Annual 5K Breakfast Run at its home location, 61 Myrtle Street in Cranford. CPL’s 5K Run was established to support it’s Adult Services Program. Nearly 160 runners participated in the race. The first place winner, Nicholas Murphy of Hoboken completed the 5K course […]

Local author to discuss new novel at Cranford library on Dec. 5

CRANFORD — Local author Eric Nierstedt will discuss his recently published novel, “The Lightrider Journals” on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Cranford Community Center, 220 Walnut Avenue. In “The Lightrider Journals,” a man responsible for deeds of great horror and beauty tells his story, an epic fantasy that takes a look at […]

Dinner guests

CRANFORD — The cast of Cranford High School’s ‘The Man Who Came To Dinner’ by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman. The show will be performed on Nov. 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. Senior citizens are invited to a dress rehearsal on Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. The Man Who Came To Dinner, long acknowledged […]

Murder suspect remains in custody as police search for body of Cranford victim

UNION – Suspect Matthew Ballister III remained in the county jail this morning on $2 million bail but has refused to tell police where he dumped the slain body of his Cranford girlfriend, April Wyckoff. According to police sources, more than 100 law enforcement officers along with the Hudson County K-9 Unit, U.S. Park Police […]