Arjun Petgrave
varsity basketball

“Arjun deserves this because he is a great athlete and having a good season so far and continues to work on his game. But even more than that, Arjun is becoming a great leader for this team. He is stepping up in big situations for this young team.”
— Coach Sean Trotter

What is your favorite part of playing basketball?
“Being able to have fun while playing, because everything falls into place after that.”

In what way has the sport benefited you?
“In many ways, from the physical aspect of running and lifting and mental also, especially this year. This year, I have to be a big role model for the younger guys because, at one point, I was in their position, so I just try and guide them and tell them the little things.”

What is your biggest challenge when competing?
“Making sure I play the best I can, so I don’t let down my teammates.”

How do you get ready for a basketball game?
“By just staying to myself a little bit, to get my head straight, and listening to music.”

What’s your favorite memory of this season?
“Dunking for the first time in a varsity game.”

Who are your favorite professional athletes?
“LeBron James, Floyd Mayweather and Odell Beckman Jr.”

What is your favorite subject in school?

What other hobbies do you have?
“Playing video games.”

What are your plans after high school?
“To go play basketball or football in college or to have my own clothing brand.”