Pictured are Roselle Catholic student-athletes who played a sport in the fall – any level of any sport (cross country, soccer, tennis and volleyball) – and who made the Honor Roll during the 1st marking period, the time the student-athletes were competing. More than 50 percent of Roselle Catholic’s students who played a sport during the fall of 2012 achieved honor roll status and were recognized with a scholar-athlete medal.

The student in student-athlete is emphasized at Roselle Catholic.Continuing a recent tradition, the Roselle Catholic Athletic Department recently presented sports-specific medals to all of its student-athletes (from every team at every level) who played a sport in the fall season and made the Honor Roll.
The medals are traditionally presented during the school’s athletic convocations held thrice during the school year, but Superstorm Sandy forced a brief delay in the recognition of RC’s student-athletes. With a slight extension of the first marking period, the Honor Roll lists weren’t available until after the convocation.
Despite the delay, the Honor Roll students were quite excited to have their names announced over the PA system and called to the cafeteria to receive their medals from Roselle Catholic Principal Dr. Robert Stickles during a recent morning homeroom. Many of the students proudly wore their medal and ribbon the rest of the day.
“The students are thrilled to be recognized for their academic accomplishment,” said RC Athletics’ administrative assistant Laura Skrec, who helps coordinate the Convocation. “When we’re able to present the medals at the convocation it’s one of the highlights of the program.”
For the second consecutive year, nearly 60 percent of Roselle Catholic’s student-athletes from the fall season achieved Honor Roll status for the first marking period, according to Athletic Director Joe Skrec.
RC Athletics also presented an additional medal to student-athletes who reached the Principal’s List, which recognizes students who’ve earned a grade of 90 or higher in all seven subjects studied.
Student-athletes from the fall season who made the Principal’s List included cross-country runners Matthew Boscia, Daniel Shirley, Mark Anthony DeMetillo, Marsha Monel and Mary Angelique Demetillo, soccer players Megan Maenza and Joshua Sloves and volleyball player Christina Truncale.
“I started the Principal’s List (two years ago) because I wanted to recognize our elite students, the ones at the very top,” Dr. Stickles said. “Now, we’ve started to honor those of our students who not only excel at their studies, but who simultaneously excel on the playing fields.
“It’s a remarkable display of dedication and hard work that deserves to be recognized.” Even as the Lions enjoyed a championship fall season – the volleyball team won the Union County Tournament and the JV volleyball team reached the championship match – success in the classroom as well as on the fields and courts is stressed at the Roselle parochial school.
In addition to Dr. Stickles, Roselle Catholic assistant principals Patrick Hagan, Martha Konczal and Maureen Murin have also encouraged the athletic department’s recognition of the student-athletes at the convocations.