ARENA — Estelle “Stella,” of Mountainside; Oct. 14. Mother of Westfield councilman.
BECKER — Vida “Jackie,” formerly of Summit; Oct. 21. Was registered nurse for infants.
BIALAS — John F., of Roselle Park; Oct. 15. Retired Roselle Park police chief.
BIEBER STEIN-ROSEN — Violet, of Springfield; Oct. 17. Was former deaf education teacher.
BITTNER — Frederick J., of Union; Oct. 15. Was employed by City Federal Savings.
BOLTON — Mother Adelaide Ethel, formerly of Roselle; Oct. 17. Resided in Raleigh, N.C.
BROWN — Evelyn “Ms. 901,” of Rahway; Oct. 6. Was active senior in community.
CHIRICHIELLO — Carmela, of Rahway; Oct. 14. Was retired seamstress.
DALY — Anne, formerly of Cranford; Oct. 16. Nurses’ trainer; community leader.
DEL MAURO — Joseph, formerly of Union; Oct. 17. Was founding member of Sheffield P.C.
EDDIE — Anderson “Tacky,” of Hillside; Oct. 14. Was church trustee, deacon.
FEDER — Seymour, of Cranford; Oct. 19. Was lumber company co-owner.
FORRESTER — Charles R., of Clark; Oct. 14. Was design engineer.
HADAM — Mary Ann Serdinsky, of Clark; Oct. 15. Was active member of Rosary Society.
IGNACIO — Julius, of Union; Oct. 14. Was killed in automobile accident; 20 years old.
INZAR — Antwan, of Hillside; Oct. 13. Service in East Orange church.
KURDYLA — Sylvia J., of Mountainside; Oct. 13. Had career in public schools.
LO MACCHIO — Susie G., of Union; Oct. 17. Was meat wrapper for supermarkets.
MAYO — John Russell, of Union; Oct. 17. Lived in Vauxhall section.
MELBOURNE — Olga, of Union; Oct. 19. Was police department aide.
MENDEZ — Ada H., of Linden; Oct. 15. Funeral Mass in Kenilworth.
MONTANO — Richard, of Union; Oct. 14. Was killed in automobile accident; 20 years old.
NIZOLAK — Joseph P., of Cranford; Oct. 19. Was an electrical draftsman.
ORIOLO — Theresa McGuire, of Union; Oct. 15. Was retired insurance assistant.
PAPESH — Mary A., of Linden; Was a member of Linden Active Seniors.
PERRETTI — Charles Joseph Jr., of Roselle; Oct. 13. Funeral in South Plainfield.
QUINN — Anna, formerly of Kenilworth; Oct. 15. Was board of education custodian.
ROBINSON — Della Marie, formerly of Union and Roselle; Oct. 12. Was musician for various churches.
ROSE — Victor G. Jr., of Linden; Oct. 20. Worked in underground department of PSE&G Co.
SAKOUTIS — Vasilios N., of Linden; Oct. 14. Retired self-employed chef.
SCHICKRAM — John A., formerly of Union; Oct. 18. Resided in Millville.
SETTLE — Charles D. Sr., formerly of Linden; Oct. 14. Was accountant and owner of real estate firm.
SLOSHBERG — Sylvia, of Union; Oct. 18. Was retired owner-operator of thrift shop.
SMYTH — Barbara, formerly of Summit; Oct. 14. Owned and operated a car service.
STANISLAWCZYK — Dolores J., of Clark; Oct. 18. Was legal secretary; office manager.
TARNOWSKI — Walter, of Rahway; Oct. 16. Was master instrument technician.
ULICNY — Phyllis B., of Summit; Oct. 16. Was program coordinator for PBS Television.
WASHINGTON — Edward T., of the Vauxhall section of Union; Oct. 11. Funeral servic es in Newark church.
ZNAK — Michael, formerly of Union; Oct. 19. Was longtime employee of ShopRite.
Union County week of Oct. 25th
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