ADRIANCE — Dorothy S. “Dot,” of Rahway; Nov. 23. Was longtime secretary.
ALEXANDER — Greta Barbara, of Union; Nov. 23. Was in business advisory and sales.
BAKER — Alma M., of Roselle; Nov. 18. Retired from Trinitas Medical Center.
BRICK — Delphine V., of Summit; Nov. 21. Was a retired receptionist.
BROWN — Helen, formerly of Clark; Nov. 23. Was member of organizations.
BURNS — Dorothy Virginia Kempson, of Roselle; Nov. 22. Worked in college library.
CONOSHENTI — Mary Ellen, of Rahway; Nov. 17. Mass held in Kenilworth.
CURTIS — Lucille H., of Mountainside; Nov. 22. Directed volunteers at hospital.
DECKER — James R. Sr., of Rahway; Nov. 23. Was chemical operator.
DEL FATTORE — Stella Adele, formerly of Kenilworth; Nov. 20. Had worked at brass company.
FORBERGER — Caroline M., formerly of Linden; Nov. 22. Sang in choir.
GUARINO — Catherine S., of Clark; Nov. 17. Was civic figure.
HARMON — Gladys Eleanor Bailey, of Roselle; Was lifelong resident.
HERING — Jane A., of Roselle Park; Nov. 23. Was lifelong resident.
HILL — Nellie Marie, of Hillside; Nov. 20. Served on Ushers Board.
HODES — George, of Union; Was longtime CPA.
JOHNSON — Dolores M., of Union, formerly of Hillside; Nov. 20. Longtime buyer.
KOZUBAL — Stanley F., of Union; Nov. 23. Was longtime resident.
KRANICHFELD — William H., of Summit; Nov. 19. Was in family construction business.
KRENEK — Charles J., of Rahway; Nov. 22. Owned Linden garage.
LAUCIK — Jean, formerly of Clark and Hillside; Nov. 16. Former Merck employee.
LIEBESKIND — Beverly, of Springfield; Nov. 21. Was member of Temple Sha’arey Shalom.
LUGARA — Marie, of Cranford; Nov. 20. Was retired shoe sales lady.
LUPPOLD — Rita M., of Union; Nov. 16. Was retired legal secretary.
MANDRILLO — Eleanor, of Linden; Nov. 19. Was former political secretary.
MASTERSON — Dorothy, formerly of Rahway; Nov. 18. Was longtime resident.
MULLEN — Andrew Jr., of Hillside; Nov. 19. Was retired member of Newark Board of Education.
MURPHY — John Joseph, of Cranford; Nov. 19. Was research specialist.
NEWKIRK — Deacon Norwood, of Linden; Nov. 15. Was WWII Navy veteran.
PADOVANO — Diane, of Springfield; Nov. 14. Funeral Mass in Springfield.
RICH — Robert, formerly of Mountainside; N0v. 22. Was general executive.
RITA — Joscelyne Denelle, of Linden; Nov. 20. Services in Rahway.
ROSSI — Gina, formerly of Linden; Nov. 20.Was Springfield assembler.
ROSZKOWSKI — Joseph, of Clark; Nov. 19. Was carpenter in Neptune.
SARAKAS — Louise Goleme, of Rahway; Nov. 23.
SIMPSON — Robin Patrice, of Hillside; Nov. 16. Services held in Roselle.
SKOROCHOD — Barbara, of Union; Nov. 21. Funeral services in Maplewood.
STEUERNAGEL — Diane F., of Rahway; Nov. 17. Was administrative assistant.
VINCIGUERRA — Christina Natalie, of Union; Nov. 20. Was office manager.
WATKINS — Pierre Anthony Sr., of Roselle; Nov. 18. Was lifelong resident.
WILLENSKY — Bernard, formerly of Linden; Nov. 17. Managed paint store.
ZAGO — Nunzio “John,” of Union; Nov. 21. Was retired masonry contractor.
ZIMMERMAN — Eugene, of Rahway; Nov. 18. Was cab driver.
Union County week of November 29th
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