ARMSTRONG — James C., of Union; Nov. 15. Funeral held in Vauxhall section of Union.
BABELA — Dolores, of Linden; Nov. 15. Was assistant school cafeteria manager.
BAKER — Pearl Jeanette, of Rahway; Nov. 12. Was mother of councilman.
BODNAR — Robert J. “Bobby B,” of Roselle Park; Nov. 13. Was Eucharistic minister.
CARLOS — Mary A., of Hillside; Nov. 15. Was a communicant of Christ the King Church.
CHIARAVALLO — Yolanda C., of Roselle Park; Nov. 15. Was member of Roselle Park organizations.
CIACCIARELLI — Mary, of Union; Nov. 11. Mass held in St. Michael’s Church.
CLARKE — Courtney W., of Rahway; Nov. 6. Was lifelong resident.
DAVEY — Penny C., of Kenilworth; Nov. 12. Was communications specialist.
DUDEK — Eugene J. Jr., of Linden; Nov. 8. Was retired mechanic at municipal garage.
FEINS — Raymond M., of Rahway; Nov. 11. Was head custodian in middle school.
FINN — Margaret “Peggy,” of Roselle Park; Nov. 16. Was Lord & Taylor saleswoman.
GHUZZI — Gertrude “Gert,” of Union; Nov. 15. Was retired telephone operator.
HERRMANN — Julia F., formerly of Linden; Nov. 12. Was retired nurse in Rahway.
HOLLMON — Colell Jr., formerly of Linden; Nov. 14. Funeral services in Baptist church.
JAMES — Virgil E., of Linden; Nov. 11. Funeral Mass is held.
KNOEPFEL — Gisela Marie, of Cranford; Nov. 15. Was dental assistant.
KVARTA — Joseph, formerly of Rahway; Nov. 11. Was stationary engineer at state school.
LAMPARIELLO — Vincent Paul, of Springfield; Nov. 13. Was longtime chemist.
LEAKE — Maurice C. II, of Roselle Park; Nov. 13. Funeral service held in church.
MARTIN — Luella, of Rahway; Nov. 12. Was member of Rahway church.
MAYERS — Osborne, formerly of Rahway; Nov. 12. Was shipping manager.
McCLURE — Claire, of Rahway; Nov. 10. Was hospital volunteer; recipient of Humanitarian Award.
MILES — Dorothy C., of Linden; Nov. 17. Was communicant of Elizabeth church.
MOTACKI — Edward S., of Union; Nov. 17. Was retired motor vehicle inspector.
MULLIGAN — Francis J. Jr., of Union; Nov. 18. Was a patent attorney.
PIWOSKI — Eugene J., of Cranford; Nov. 11. Was longtime resident.
PROVENZANO — Ethel M., of Linden; Nov. 15. Was retired from board of education.
RITZMAN — Dorothy K., of Rahway; Nov. 11. Was retired bookkeeper.
SABATINO — Jennifer M., of Union; Nov. 10. Was humanitarian, writer, publisher, painter.
SCHNEIDER — Bertha, formerly of Clark; Nov. 11. Moved to Scotch Plains four years ago.
SCHNEIDER — Eva T., of Rahway; Nov. 17. Was longtime resident.
SOMMA — Joseph, formerly of Kenilworth; Nov. 8. Was chef and former coach.
SPERA — Marie J., of Kenilworth; Nov. 11. Was active in borough.
STARR — Robert M. “Bob”Sr., of Rahway; Nov. 16. Was maintenance supervisor for school and church.
SUAREZ — Ileana “Illy,” Victoria, of Rahway; Nov. 18. Was longtime waitress.
SWINTON — Charlotte Fenter, of Cranford; Nov. 16. Participated in town’s community life for many years.
TERREGINO — Anthony J., of Cranford; Nov. 13. Was longtime Cranford educator.
VECCHIO — Dominick Frank Jr., of Roselle Park; Nov. 11. Was corrections officer in Union County.
WESHNAK — Miriam, of Springfield, formerly of Union; Nov. 13. Was claims examiner.
WEST — Emmanuel S. “Pete” Sr., of Union; Nov. 10. Was retired service technician.
ZWATSCHKA — George Anthony, of Linden; Nov. 10. Was chemical technician.
Union County week of November 21st
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