ANEST — Evelyn, of Roselle; Nov. 25. Services held in Linden.
CARTER — Lillian P., of Union; Nov. 25. Was 103 years old.
CARUSO — Robert J., of Linden; Nov. 26. Was retired mechanic.
COLICCHIO — Louise P., of Linden; Nov. 28. Was centenarian at 100.
CONDRON — Scott J., of Rahway; Nov. 29. Was cab mechanic.
CONWAY — Bertha L., formerly of Roselle Park; Nov. 28. Retired from Singer Co.
DANIK — Rita Anne, of Linden; Nov. 30. Was member of Rosary Society.
DEARBORN — Henry C., of Summit; Nov. 21. Was patent attorney.
ELLIS — James David, of Roselle Park; Dec. 1. Was owner of 1972 Kenworth.
ESTEVES — Maria A., of Union; has died. Had been a seamstress.
EUL — Carole L., of Kenilworth; Nov. 26. Was buried in East Hanover.
FOWLER — Eleanor Gulba, formerly of Linden; has died. Was deli manager.
HANNA — Charles, of Rahway; Nov. 26. Was construction site safety officer.
HEELAN — Mary I., of Union; Nov. 25. Was an executive secretary.
HURFF — Jack C., of Linden; Was machinist, volunteer.
KALEM — Daniel D., of Springfield; Nov. 28. Was founder of insurance agency.
KIRCHNER — Irene, of Union; Nov. 28. Was residence for 65 years.
MESSNER — Leonard M., formerly of Union; Nov. 27. Was retired machinist.
PERELMAN — Charlotte E., of Summit; Nov. 30. Taught in Elizabeth school system.
PETERSON — Timothy Nathaniel Sr., of Roselle; Oct. 29. Was mortgage origination agent.
POCCHIA — Esther J., of Linden; Nov. 27. Funeral held in Clark.
RADICE — Felicia V., of Kenilworth; Nov. 25. Was auxiliary member.
RIZKALLA —Frederick Abdo, of Cranford; Nov. 29. Was building supply foreman.
RUBY — Emilia M., of Clark; Dec. 1. Retired postal clerk.
SCHNEIDER — Frances, of Union; Nov. 25. Was Eucharistic minister at three sites.
SCHROPPE — Roger W., formerly of Clark; Oct. 26. Was member of Elks Lodge.
SHANAHAN — John T., of Summit; Nov. 29. Was leader in industry organizations.
SIMON — Jack, of Roselle; Nov. 26. Had position in family business.
SMITH — Hughes Edward “Facin’” Sr., of Roselle; Nov. 26. Was longtime resident.
TONGUE — Olive May, formerly of Rahway; Was crossing guard.
VAN DER MEIREN — Georgia A., of Linden; Nov. 30. Longtime resident.
VAN DYKE — Arthur W., of Mountainside; Nov. 20. Owned Interfaith Group.
VOGEL — Seymour H., of Clark, formerly of Rahway; Dec. 1. Was co-founder of Vogel’s Music.
YURCHUK — Mary, formerly of Rahway; Nov. 23. Lived in Florida.
WISNIEWSKI — Emellie, of Union; Nov. 25. Mass held in Irvington.
ZARZYCKI — Mary, of Rahway; Nov. 24. Retired owner of nursery.
Union County week of December 6th
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