AHEARN — Gloria, of Union; Dec. 10. Was retired court bookkeeping clerk.
ANTHONY — Mary N., of Union; Dec. 14. Was division manager.
BULWIN — Barbara J. Franz, formerly of Roselle Park and Kenilworth; Dec. 11. Was senior administrative assistant.
CHIRICHELLA — Michael A. “Mickey,” of Rahway; Dec. 9. Was designer, engineer.
DRUKAS — George J., of Rahway; Dec. 7. Was retired spray painter, dispatcher.
DZUBAK — Charles E., of Rahway; Dec. 9. Volunteered at St. Jude.
ENGLER — Karl H., of Union; Dec. 14. Was owner of Union pork store.
FESHCHUR — Anna Kleban, of Linden; Participated in fundraisers.
FRITZ — Annette Levine, formerly of Mountainside; Dec. 13. Was past president of temple.
GAGLIARDI — Carmela “Millie,” formerly of Linden; Dec. 12. Was Linden police matron.
GOODWIN — George J., formerly of Cranford; Dec. 12. Was school teacher, coach.
GUBERNAT — Bertha, of Union; Dec. 14. Was 100 years old.
HARMON — Tia J., of Roselle; Dec. 9. Funeral services held.
HENN — Anastasia “Nancy,” formerly of Cranford; Dec. 14. Survived by daughter, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.
HORN — Richard, of Summit; Dec. 13. Was manufacturing executive.
JAFFE — Sadie, of Cranford, formerly of Springfield; Dec. 15. Was 50-year-member of temple.
KLEINSORGEN — Edward M. Jr., formerly of Cranford; Dec. 7. Was self-employed computer consultant.
KOSTAKOS — Ann Marie, of Union; Dec. 7. Was bank manager.
LASINSKI — Edmund E., of Kenilworth; Dec. 12. Was boiler operator.
LEE — Dolores, of Rahway; Dec. 12. Was retired secretary.
LEE —Ray, formerly of Union; Dec. 9. Had lived in Florida.
LOMUSCIO — Giuseppe, of Union; Dec. 12. Was father, brother.
MALINCHOK — John Jr., of Linden; Dec. 11. Was department manager, Scoutmaster.
MALPERE — Sarah, of Cranford; Dec. 8. Was 100 years old.
McINTOSH — Bertha Elizabeth, of Linden; Dec. 8. Was hospital supply supervisor.
MESSANO — Filumena, of Mountainside, formerly of Hillside; Dec. 9. Retired from Hillside company.
MONUS — Joseph, of Union; Dec. 13. Was longtime truck driver.
PISPECKY — Ladislav John “Laddy,” of Clark; Dec. 11. Was trophy-winning fisherman.
RABKE — Olga, formerly of Union; Dec. 11. Was teacher, dancer.
RICHVALSKY — Joseph J., of Linden; Dec. 9. Was past commander of VFW Post.
RISLEY — Doris M., of Roselle; Dec. 8. Was school crossing guard.
RIZZIE — John G., of Clark; Dec. 15. Was longtime warehouseman.
RUEGAMER — Sidonia, of Cranford; Dec. 13. Emigrated from Germany.
SANSONE — Rose Cecelia Trezza, of Hillside; Dec. 9. Funeral Liturgy held.
SHELL — Robert T. Sr., of Rahway; Dec. 7. Was longtime pharmaceutical technician.
SIMONE — Mary Anne, of Union; Dec. 14. Was member of seniors.
STOFIK — Helen Eleanor, formerly of Union; Dec. 9. Was active in Springfield church.
STULACK — Jayson A., of Roselle Park; Dec. 11. Was lifelong resident.
WALSH — Patrick A., formerly of Linden; Dec. 7. Was retired truck driver.
WHITE — Myra J., of Rahway; Dec. 12. Was longtime bookkeeper.
WYSOCKI — Irene E., of Clark; Dec. 13. Was prefect in church.
YOUCHOCK — Ruth V., of Cranford; Dec. 12. Was secretary, telemarketer.
Union County week of December 20th
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