Gladys Dolan passed away peacefully on January 31. Born 98 years ago in New York City to Gustav and Anna Kersten, she lived a full and rich life.
She was much loved by her husband William, her son Bill and daughter-in-law Jeanne, her granddaughters Jennifer and Susan, and her great grandchildren Luke, Carolyn, Shamus and Isabella.
While Gladys lived much of her life in New York and New Jersey, the 40 years she lived in Union were very special. She was a supervisor at J.L. Hammett Company for almost 15 years. After she retired, she thoroughly enjoyed the Union Senior Club. She had great fun playing bingo and taking many trips, particularly to Atlantic City, with her buddies, Helen and Mary. Gladys loved to dance and sing and had a quick humor that her family will always remember.
Gladys M. Dolan
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