CLARK — English students in Marie Palma’s 11th Grade English III class at Arthur L. Johnson High School in Clark have been reading and analyzing one of American Literature’s most infamous writers, Edgar Allen Poe.
Students first read and researched background on Poe’s life and discussed the importance and value of his mysterious and eerie tales. Poe’s popularity is widely attributed to his unique writing ability and powerful mood evident in his famous horrific tales like “The Raven,” and “The Tell Tale Heart.”
Throughout English III thus far, students have been studying the 17th-18th century works of literature. Students discovered that not only was Poe a major contributor to the art and craft of “scary story-telling” he was the first writer to create the genre we know and love today, the short story.
English III ALJ students will next venture into the realm of Edgar Allen Poe by reading his famous short story, “The Fall of the House of Usher.”