Westfield HPC wins award from Preservation New Jersey

WESTFIELD, NJ — Preservation New Jersey, a statewide, member-supported nonprofit historic preservation organization, recently announced the recipients of the 2022 New Jersey Historic Preservation Awards.

“This year Preservation New Jersey is celebrating excellence in preservation with newer categories like the Young Preservationist Award, Dr. Doris C. Carpenter Excellence Award and Constance Greiff Writing Award, in addition to established awards like the Preservation Projects and Preservation Documents awards,” PNJ President Paul Muir said. “These projects all contribute to the preservation of our state’s historic resources and serve to create a stronger fabric within the communities where they exist.”

Among the award winners, the Westfield Historic Preservation Commission will receive the Historic Preservation Commission Award. The Westfield Historic Preservation Commission works to preserve historic sites and structures within the community while fostering an appreciation for these landmarks as an essential element of the town’s unique character. A major goal of the HPC has been to actively engage the local citizens in a positive discourse regarding the need for and benefits of local historic preservation.