Valley Road third-graders enjoy and write about hot chocolate

CLARK, NJ — Recently, in honor of National Hot Chocolate Day, Juliana Cannata’s third-graders at Valley Road Elementary School enjoyed a cozy cup of hot chocolate while exploring different styles of writing. Students had the opportunity to choose their own writing prompt, whether it was informing the audience on the history of hot chocolate through research, sharing their opinion on the best toppings or crafting a creative story inspired by the delicious drink. As they sipped their hot chocolate, students wrote to the sound of calming music and later shared their amazing work with classmates.

“We love to make learning fun, engaging, and meaningful—especially when it connects to national holidays! Every day, our students learn about a different holiday, and we always find creative ways to celebrate,” said Cannata. “This was a fun, educational and inspiring way to blend creativity with literacy and we can’t wait for the next holiday celebration!”

Photos Courtesy of Christine Casale Broski