Union Rotary purchases hospital bed for young Union resident with Cerebral Palsy

Union Rotarians from the Automobila Committee from left, are; John Sasieta, President Julie D'Aloia, Event Chair Laura Bretzger, Sharon Patel, Genie Weisz, Rob O'Connell and Norman Woolley.
Union Rotarians from the Automobila Committee from left, are; John Sasieta, President Julie D’Aloia, Event Chair Laura Bretzger, Sharon Patel, Genie Weisz, Rob O’Connell and Norman Woolley.

UNION — On Friday, Nov. 20, The Rotary Club of Union hosted its Annual Automobilia Night at a Rotarian’s a private museum in Hillside to benefit a 15-year-old boy from Union with Cerebral Palsy.

Rotarian Herb Singe has graciously donated his museum for Union Rotary’s 5th annual event which benefits local residents in need of financial assistance. Guests were transported back to a time when Henry Ford revolutionized the world with his invention of the Model T automobile.

Everyone in attendance was treated to Singe’s unique memorabilia collection while enjoying food and beverages donated by local restaurants and Rotarians. The evening ended with an exciting live auction and super cash raffle.

One of the night’s highlights was a trip in a money booth courtesy of Unity Bank where a guest had a chance of grabbing $500 as it swirled around and around for one minute. Visit their Facebook page to see how much was won.

Also on hand were members of the newly formed Kean Rotaract Club who helped sell cash raffles and greeted the guests.

The Rotary Club of Union will welcome any member of the community who might like to join their group in putting “Service above Self.” Meetings are held every Thursday at Suburban Country Club in Union at 12:15 p.m.

For more information about Rotary, contact Membership Chair Sharon Patel at 908-964-6422 , visit their Facebook page or visit their website at unionrotary.org.