Store hosts knitting and crocheting class for NJAWBO

UNION, NJ — Theresa Macklin, owner of Beyond Yarn in Union, hosted a knitting and crocheting class as a networking event for the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners.

“The unique opportunity to combine learning to knit and crochet with a business networking event was very enjoyable,” said NJAWBO President Bertha Robinson. “We honed our knitting and crocheting skills, became aware of the importance of using high-quality yarn, got to know one another better and had some fun.”

Macklin opened Beyond Yarn in 2019. It is a minority woman-owned local yarn shop that provides quality yarn for crocheting and knitting as well as classes for beginners and experienced fiber artists. Macklin has also implemented a Community Care Initiative to help communities in need. Their efforts support the following nonprofits: Knit the Rainbow, Knitted Knockers, Knots of Love, Hats Not Hate, Children Specialized Hospital of NJ and the Elizabeth Coalition. You can learn more about these organizations by accessing the charity tab at

Photos Courtesy of Donna Thompson