Santa in Blue collects more than $3,000 and more than 1,000 toys for underprivileged children

UNION, NJ — Christmas touches close to Sgt. Mike Campos’ heart.
He came from a single-parent household. His mom worked in a factory and didn’t make much money. But today things are different. Campos said, “To now be in a better position in life and bring some light in days full of darkness, it means a lot.”

Officer Robert Honeymar said, “Christmas is my favorite holiday. The reason I became a cop is to help people. I have kids in school. Nothing hurts me more than when I see an underprivileged kid. I love giving to families that don’t have that much.”

This year, Santa in Blue collected more than 1,000 toys and more than $3,000 in money donations. Santa in Blue is a team effort from the Union Police Department. Retired Sgt. Michael Boll started the program many years ago and it’s been taken over by Lt. Dorothy Mascidlo-Skiper, who has been in charge the last few years.

“She made it bigger,” explained Campos. “She blew it up.”

On Saturday, Dec. 9, the Union Senior Center will be used as “Santa’s Workshop.” Volunteers, including senior citizens, will be at a wrapping station. Gifts will be delivered to underprivileged children during Christmas week.

Honeymar is the event coordinator. In addition to all the men in blue, civilian workers, their families and others in the community are helping to wrap gifts. In total, there will be about 50 people helping out at the Senior Center.

A few restaurants in town will be donating food to all the volunteers — Johnny Napkins, Joe’s Pizza, Cioffi’s Restaurant-Bar-Pizzeria, Joe’s Place and Souvlaqueria.

More than 40 local businesses helped collect toys for the program. Many donated cash, including the Union PBA and Union Fire Department. “We get a few thousand dollars to buy toys and pay for wrapping paper,” said Campos. “A bunch of new car dealerships gave a $250 or $500 check for gift cards for older kids.”

Bernadette Watson, who is executive administrative assistant to the township of Union Board of Education, gives the Union Police Department a list of names of those in the program. Names are taken from all the schools in Union, from kindergarten to high school. There are more than 250 names on the list. Gifts will also go to younger siblings who aren’t in school yet. Even if a family moved out of town and is still on the list, they will receive gifts. Some of the items people have been giving include baby toys, Hess trucks, drones, action figures and gift cards.

Campos said that, even though the official wrapping day is Saturday, Dec. 9, they aren’t distributing the gifts until the week of Christmas, so if people still want to donate, they are welcome to do so. Donation bin locations are at 1 Bond Drive, 981 Caldwell Ave. and 1976 Morris Ave.

Each child will be receiving three toys this year. Extras will go to the Long-Term Care Center at the Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside. “Children are residents there, unfortunately,” said Campos. “We dropped off tons of toys last year.”

For more information on Santa in Blue, contact the Union Community Policing Unit via email at or call 908-851-5252.

Photos Courtesy of Kevin Woodridge