UNION — What is your son doing this year? He could be camping, swimming, hiking, building a rocket, tying a knot, building a campfire, learning life skills and first aid, pitching a tent, making a friend and helping the community. He could do just about anything he wants in scouting.
Troop 85 meets every Thursday during the school year at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of Holy Spirit Church in Union. Scouts from Troop 85 camp one weekend per month in the great outdoors. Outings for the coming season include hiking, the Klondike derby, fishing and enjoying the rides at Six Flags.
Troop 85 Boy Scouts of America is conducting registration for boys between the ages of 11 and 18. Stop by one of our Thursday meetings at 7 p.m., at Holy Spirit Church. For further information, contact Scout Master, Fred Robinson at 908-624-0641 or send an email to Troop85HSC@Hotmail.com.