Summers shine at Reeves-Reed Arboretum’s summer camp

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SUMMIT, NJ — Capture the magic of summer with Reeves-Reed Arboretum’s day camps, with options to focus on nature, science, art, dance and cooking.

Camp options include Winged Things, Plant Pals, Time for Slime, Dino Discovery, Into the Woods and Fantastic Folktales. RRA will be teaming up for its seventh year with Bold Arts to offer a week of performing arts camp, culminating in a performance created by the campers and instructors. There will be two sessions of the arboretum’s Food Explosion camp; each day, campers will roll up their sleeves and prepare culinary treats from near and far.
Elephant Tree Nature Camp, under the guidance of Althea Llewellyn, RRA’s director of education, and the RRA’s team of environmental educators, is aligned with the K-12 Next Generation Science Standards, so the children will be learning and having fun at the same time. For parents looking for a longer camp day, RRA will once again offer Lunch Buddies. Campers attending morning sessions, 9 a.m. to noon, can bring a lunch and stay for an additional hour of food, fun and friends.

Registration for this season’s summer is underway. For more information, visit or call 908-273-8787, ext. 1920.

Photos Courtesy of Reeves-Reed Arboretum