For local police officers, ‘We ride for those who died’

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SUMMIT, NJ — Summit Police Officer Keith Kwiatek and Juvenile Detective Sean Thompson participated in the Police Unity Tour, a four-day bicycle ride from New Jersey to Washington, D.C. The Police Unity Tour was formed in 1997. Its mission is to raise public awareness about law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.

Kwiatek and Thompson rode with hundreds of law enforcement officers to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. As they departed on Monday, May 9, from Parsippany, they were joined by other Summit Police Department members; they were also cheered on in Somerville by the family of Summit Police Detective Matthew Tarentino, who was killed in a car accident on his way to work five years ago. On Thursday, May 12, in Washington, D.C., they were joined by SPD Detective Lt. Michael Rabasca and Summit Policeman’s Benevolent Association No. 55 President Ryan Stanek, former Police Unity Tour participants.

For more information on the Police Unity Tour, visit

Photos Courtesy of Megan Trindell