Summit resident receives Center for the Heart’s first-ever Legacy Award

SUMMIT, NJ — Center for the Heart, a Summit-based nonprofit that provides a range of end-of-life services to the community, celebrated its official launch as a nonprofit at its first fundraiser – the Tapestry of Life Celebration – on Saturday, Sept. 28. In a surprise announcement, the center’s Board of Directors awarded founder Holly Strelzik with its first-ever Legacy Award.

The Legacy Award honors an individual or organization who has made remarkable contributions to Center for the Heart and to the end-of-life and bereavement fields. Award recipients also have a distinct record of compassionate dedication and innovative efforts that have profoundly impacted our world, providing comfort, peace and dignity to individuals and families across the community.

“Holly has touched the lives of hundreds of individuals and families, providing comfort and support during some of life’s most challenging moments. Her own personal hardships have not only deepened her empathy but have also fueled her drive to make a meaningful impact,” said Sierra Bretz, executive director at Center for the Heart. “She has turned her struggles into a source of inspiration, and her tireless efforts truly make her a deserving recipient of this award.”.

“I was completely surprised and humbled when the award was announced during the fundraiser,” Strelzik said. “I look forward to honoring others who serve in this community in the years to come.”

In the United States today, surveys indicate that a substantial portion of the population feels unprepared emotionally and practically for the dying process, often due to a lack of information or resources. Strelzik, with the support of her doula team and the entire Center for the Heart community, intends to change this.

Strelzik said, “Following the successful launch of our center, we are poised to go even further to increase our reach to those who may not otherwise have access to our services.”