St. John the Apostle Parish celebrates 75th anniversary

CLARK/LINDEN, NJ — The Church of St. John the Apostle began its 75th anniversary celebration on Wednesday, Feb. 26, with a Gala Dinner at Nanina’s in the Park in Belleville. More than 250 parishioners and parish friends attended the event along with current Pastor Mauro Primavera and Auxiliary Bishop Elias R. Lorenzo, regional bishop for Union County. Also present were parish clergy and the Sisters of St. Dominic, as well as representatives from the township of Clark and the city of Linden. The honoree at the celebration was Sister Donna Marie O’Brien, who was honored for her commitment to Catholic education and shaping the minds of countless children from 1960 to 2015. Sr. Donna was past principal of St. John the Apostle School for 34 years, retiring in 2015.
Bishop Elias Lorenzo addressed the attendees at the gala and wrote in the Commemorative Anniversary Book, “The diamond anniversary offers all in the parish the opportunity to renew and reinvigorate your founding mission… and be a community of living faith that witnesses Christ’s love to the world!”

The Most Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, archbishop of Newark, founded the parish on June 4, 1948, and appointed the Rev. Thomas F. Mulvaney as the first pastor. Father Mulvaney was given the task of organizing the parish and constructing the buildings. The new parish used the Winfield Park Community Center for Masses until the new church building was ready. The cornerstone was placed on Sept. 10, 1949. On March 10, 1950, Walsh dedicated and blessed the new church and school and the first Mass was celebrated in the church
St. John the Apostle School opened in September 1950 with a registration of 710 students. The teaching faculty was led by Sisters of the Dominican Order, who served the school for 65 years. The school enrollment grew and a third floor was added to the school. By 1963, enrollment had more than doubled to 1,429 students, prompting the construction of the annex building to accommodate a growing middle school.

Saint John’s is a vibrant growing parish with more than 300 students enrolled in its religious education programs, 340 students enrolled in its prekindergarten to grade eight school, 24-hour perpetual adoration, ongoing adult religious education programs and many other social and religious events. You can learn more about us by visiting the website at

Continued 75th anniversary celebrations will continue throughout the year. A closing anniversary Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, archbishop of Newark, on Sunday, Oct. 12, at the noon Mass.

Photos Courtesy of Joanne Seebode