Springfield Free Public Library welcomes new director

Bonnie Lafazan brings her prior experience as Berkeley College’s Woodbridge Campus library director and with the Springfield Free Public Library itself to her new position as the library’s director, replacing Dale Spindel.

SPRINGFIELD, NJ — As of Thursday, Aug. 1, Bonnie Lafazan has taken over the position of director at the Springfield Free Public Library. Her predecessor was Dale Spindel, who was director there for 13 years.

Lafazan, who has lived in Springfield for the past 17 years, began working at the Springfield Free Public Library part-time during 2021. She became their full-time assistant director in May 2022.

“I was an apprentice to Dale. She knew she’d be retiring,” said Lafazan.

As the new director, Lafazan wants to hone in on what’s been working well at the library. She said, “Our children’s programming really has skyrocketed. It’s really evolved in the last year and a half. I attribute that to Christine Brandenburg, head of Youth Services. I want to build upon what she’s already started.”

Working at a small library, Lafazan handles everything – human resources, marketing, staff scheduling, signing checks, budget and being the public face of the library.

Lafazan feels that what makes her a little different from Spindel is that she’s newer to the public librarianship. “I have a lot of enthusiasm, positive energy and creativity,” she said. “I’m excited about trying new things – let’s have a dance party, let’s try all these things to bring people into the library!”

She also feels that every single job she had prepared her for this one. Prior to this position, she served as Berkeley College’s Woodbridge Campus library director. More recently, she served as Berkeley College’s interim library director.

Lafazan graduated from Rutgers University with a dual degree in journalism and political science and also has a law degree from the New England Law in Boston.

“I’ve always been a researcher and a lifelong learner,” she said. “During my time as an academic librarian, I focused on marketing and outreach. When I first started at Berkeley College, I said, ‘Let’s find out what the students want and need.’”

Having worked in the control room at Court TV, Lafazan was very interested in media and the law. “I loved both so much,” she said. “I thrived on it. It was everything. It was such a fun, great experience.”

She has also worked part time at other libraries when she had her first baby. “I got my feet wet in public libraries,” she said.

Lafazan is so excited to carry on the torch as director. “I couldn’t be more excited,” she said. “It’s who I am. When I posted the news on social media, I received such amazing, positive feedback.”

Visit the Springfield Free Public Library at: https://www.sfplnj.org/.

Photo Courtesy of Christine Brandenburg