Assemblyman and his wife bring community together to give back

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ROSELLE, NJ — Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, togetherness and giving back. Assemblyman Reginald Atkins and his wife, Cynthia Atkins, embody this spirit by orchestrating a monumental event that not only brought the community together but made history in Roselle.

On Saturday, Nov. 11, the Atkins power couple hosted a free turkey giveaway and a free pop-up diaper bank at 129 Chestnut St., Roselle. Recognizing that the cost of a Thanksgiving meal can be prohibitive for many families, the assemblyman and his wife took action to alleviate this burden.

As hundreds of people braved the bustling crowds in supermarkets, a line formed at 129 Chestnut St., with eager recipients clad in jackets and blankets. The Atkins’ generosity extended beyond just turkeys, including roaster chickens, hams and all the trimmings to ensure a complete Thanksgiving feast for those in need.

For many individuals, waiting in line for a free turkey was not only a practical choice but a financial necessity. Gabriel Martinez, a resident who benefitted from the giveaway, expressed his gratitude, saying, “Me and my mother, we’re disabled, and we are on Social Security, so this is a really good benefit.” It pains him to say it, but the need is great. “Oh, you look in your pockets, how are we gonna buy a turkey? It costs about 20 bucks.”

This marked the 12th annual giveaway hosted by the Atkins. Their commitment to the community stems from a deep understanding of the financial challenges many residents face. “The economy is still in the tanks. A lot of people don’t realize that a lot of people are struggling to put food on the table and a lot of people don’t have a job,” the assemblyman said. Despite the increasing cost of turkeys, the Atkins couple remains resolute in their mission to make a difference.

The gratitude from the community was palpable, with individuals such as Gabriel Martinez expressing heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Atkins said, “We came to help our community and we enjoy being able to meet the needs of the people. We thank our volunteers and Youth Corps of Union County for helping us.”

Recognizing additional needs within the community, the Atkins’ giveaway extended beyond food. Mothers in line received approximately 2,000 free diapers for their infants and valuable information on free health screenings was provided — an essential service often lacking in the community.

Atkins’ tireless efforts have not only become a beacon of hope for those facing financial hardships, but have etched a historic chapter of generosity and community support in the annals of Roselle.

Photos Courtesy of Reginald Atkins