Rain didn’t dampen spirits at the annual Clark Easter Egg Hunt

CLARK, NJ — The 2024 Clark Easter Egg Hunt and Coloring Contest was on Saturday, March 23. The event included an egg hunt, visits with the Easter Bunny, balloon art, a coloring contest with prizes in each age category, drawings for bikes, stuffed animals and other baskets.

The rainy weather didn’t hold back the crowds. Recreation Director Ralph Bernardo estimates more than 500 children turned out for the fun. The inclement weather did cancel the “Bike with a Bunny” portion of the day which was new this year.

“I am grateful we have the indoor space to host this event,” Bernardo said. “We look forward to a sunnier day next year so children can decorate their bikes and ride down Westfield Avenue with the Easter Bunny to the egg hunt.”

Photos Courtesy of Elizabeth Clee