UNION, NJ — A brand-new Union Public Library will be opening soon.
It’s on the former Main Library site at 1980 Morris Ave. and, according to library director Kassundra Miller, there will be “some surprises.” The old building was completely torn down. The new building is state-of-the-art.
The interim Main Library on 1060 Stuyvesant Ave. will be closing on Saturday, March 29. But it will continue to serve at the Vauxhall branch, with extended hours.
The new library will have individual study rooms with safe dedicated spaces for adults, teens and students; a creativity lab with innovative equipment; and a fireplace, which Miller thinks will be a popular spot.
There will be plenty of seating and an outdoor patio, where programs will be offered. There will also be a roof top garden, which could be viewed from the children’s activity room and from the board room. “I don’t know what they’re planting, but they’ve already started,” said Miller. “They’re planting some greenery, which is starting to sprout.”
Miller said she is really looking forward to seeing the flow of everything. “We’re so excited already.”
She wasn’t working at the Union Public Library when the old building was being used, but she has heard about the problems, such as lack of space, lots of leaking and that a lot of work needed to be done. “I don’t know exactly,” she said. “It was not repairable.”
There is no official grand opening date yet. Miller said, “The whole move process can take up to two months from when we close March 29. Closing gives us time to organize for the actual move.
Any patrons looking to get materials, Vauxhall is open. They have the ability to place holds in the system. Pickup of any requested materials would have to be at any of the 42 other STELLA libraries. The closest would be at Roselle Park, Roselle, Springfield, many of the Union County libraries and Middlesex County libraries.”
STELLA stands for Sharing and Technology Enhancing Local Library Access.
Museum passes, which are really popular, will be going to Vauxhall. “Teachers can borrow them,” said Miller.
Programs will still be happening at Vauxhall.
“Be patient with us,” said Miller. “We’re going from the two buildings to the one building in Vauxhall, which is even smaller. We know it will be a challenge. We will work hard to make the move a smooth transition as possible.”
To learn more about the Union Public Library, visit: https://uplnj.org/.
Photos Courtesy of Kassundra Miller and Abigail Nemec-Merwede