New Jersey American Water to invest $2 million in Roselle Park water main projects

ROSELLE PARK, NJ — New Jersey American Water has announced a $2 million investment toward water main replacement in Roselle Park during 2025. This will include projects on Elinor Avenue, Ragland Drive and a portion of Madison Avenue, from Charlotte Terrace to Galloping Hill Road.

These projects will replace 6-inch cast iron mainline pipe from the 1940s with new 8-inch ductile iron pipe. All local, residential services will be tied-in with the new main and all fire hydrants along the project routes will be replaced with modernized fixtures.

“These types of upgrades are important to ensure that the local demand for utility service, be it water or otherwise, meets the needs of the community,” said Roselle Park Business Administrator Andrew J. Casais. “The replacement of this 80+ year old infrastructure is vital as the Borough continues to grow and modernize.”

In addition to the mainline replacement scope of work, New Jersey American Water is committed to replacing lead and galvanized steel service lines in accordance with the 2021 law mandating abatement.

For more information about this particular program, visit:

Work is expected to begin on or about Monday, Feb. 24. The duration of all three projects will be four to six weeks, depending on weather and the number of lead or galvanized steel service lines identified. After completion and settlement, curb-to-curb roadway restoration is estimated to take place during the summer months of 2025.