SPRINGFIELD, NJ — The Springfield Free Public Library, 66 Mountain Ave., Springfield, will be offering the following events and programs in the coming weeks.
Meet the Author: Book Discussion with Karen Olson, on Thursday, March 6, at 7 p.m. – Join on for a conversation with Karen Olson, author of “Meant For More: Following Your Heart and Finding Your Purpose.” Olson is the founder and president emeritus of Family Promise, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping homeless and low-income families. It all started with a chance encounter outside of Grand Central Station in November 1981. Olson, a successful marketing executive, was on her way to a business meeting when she saw an elderly homeless woman – her shoulders sagging, her eyes dull. Impulsively, Olson darted across the street and bought the woman a sandwich and an orange juice. She listened to the woman’s story and learned her name: Millie. This small act of kindness changed the trajectory of Olson’s life. Olson dedicated her life to those in need and founded Family Promise, a national nonprofit organization that helps homeless and low-income families. In “Meant for More,” Olson tells her story, from tragedy in childhood to an adulthood full of compassion and service, which has made her stronger, healthier and more fulfilled than ever before. Many people seek happiness through acquiring material goods or achieving status, only to find a lack of fulfillment. With firsthand testimonials from Olson and other volunteers, “Meant for More” is a call to action: When you reach out beyond yourself and seek to make a difference in the lives of others, happiness will catch up with you. You can learn more about Olson and Family Promise at https://familypromise.org/. This program is free and open to the general public.
Bracco Farm Presents: Seed Saving Basics, on Saturday, March 8, at 1 p.m. – Join Anthony Bracco as he introduces you to the hows and whys of saving garden seeds. Increase your self-sufficiency and grow healthy crops that taste great. Bracco will discuss heirloom vs. hybrid seeds, crossbreeding, harvesting, drying and storing. He’ll also highlight popular varieties: tomato, pepper, peas and beans. This program is free and open to all members of the general public and registration is not required. For more information, contact Springfield Free Public Library at questions@sfplnj.org or 973-376-4930.
Library Chef Presents: Fact or Myth? – Common Nutrition Myths, on Wednesday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m.