Loyalty Lodge No. 33 hosts car wash to benefit Boy and Girl Scouts of Union

UNION, NJ — Aneil Chetram, president of the Loyalty Lodge 33, offered the Loyalty Lodge parking lot for a car wash on Saturday, July 20. The event benefited Union’s Cub Scout Pack 68 and BSA Troop 168-G. Dozens of young people from the troops worked together to raise funds.

“We’re more than happy to help,” Chetram said. “They got the perfect day for it. The kids are absolutely loving it.”

The Loyalty Lodge is located at 1912 Morris Ave. This freemasonry organization is 206 years old. “Masonry is big into charity,” said Chetram.

Lea Sheridan, committee chairperson of BSA Troop 168-G, and Kate Rahal, committee chairperson of Union’s Cub Scout Pack 68, worked together to make the fundraiser happen. “I’d say it’s successful,” said Sheridan. “People coming out to support.”

BSA Troop 168-G is an all-female troop. “Our girls are from ages 11 to 18,” said Sheridan. “For our troop, we just got a trailer. We want to get a wrap on the trailer and new cooking equipment.”

Katrina, 16, is one of the founders of Troop 168, which started in 2019. “We’re trying to raise money (by) washing cars,” she said. “We got a lot of business. I’ve been out since 8 a.m. It’s good so far.”

Jackson, an 8-year-old Cub Scout, said, “We’re going to do fun stuff with the money we raise.”

Rafael, 9, said, “It’s fun. It’s a fundraiser. This event is raising money for future events.”

Miguel Balseca’s son, Caleb, has been in the Cub Scouts for three years. “He loves it,” Balseca said.

Meridith Steckler has a son in Cub Scouts. She said, “It’s fun. It’s good. It looks successful. The kids are having a great time.”
Neil Sheridan was one of the supporters who got his car washed. “They did an excellent job,” he said.

Arlene Sheridan also got a car wash and said, “They did a great job.”

During the event, car songs were heard from a playlist, including “Low Rider” and “Cars.”

The Loyalty Lodge plans on doing other fundraisers in the future. Currently, it has active members from many places, including Long Island and Manhattan. “Once you become a member, you’re a member for life,” said Chetram.

To qualify for membership, a petitioner must be male and at least 18 years of age.

To learn more about Loyalty Lodge 33, visit: https://www.loyaltylodge33nj.com/.

Photos by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta