Three new members of BOE are sworn in at reorganization meeting

LINDEN, NJ — The Linden Board of Education’s reorganization meeting took place at the School No. 1 gymnasium on Thursday, Jan. 4.
Samuel De La Cruz Jr., Malaysia Thomas and Kimberly Ullisse were each elected to the Linden BOE for a three-year term.

Mayor Derek Armstead congratulated them and announced, “The most important thing is to educate our children properly.” He thanked Atiya Y. Perkins, superintendent of schools; Annabell Louis, assistant superintendent for support; Paul J. Oliveira, assistant superintendent for academics; and John A. Serapiglia Jr., business administrator/board secretary. “You talk about making the school great,” Armstead said. “You’re not just talking about it, you’re doing it.”

The new BOE members took an oath of office, administered by Armstead.

Marlene Berghammer, president of the Linden BOE, and Thomas, vice president, were re-elected to their positions for 2024.

Berghammer said she would “do whatever we can to help seniors at this time,” adding her concern was that there are 350 students to one guidance counselor and that they needed to make sure every one of those students met with a guidance counselor.

Louis commended the efforts of the high school counselors, including going on field trips and working closely with the senior class, in order to make sure students are submitting applications for scholarships.

Perkins said, “As a district, every school principal has to increase his goals, increasing awareness. Not only a goal, but a need.”

Berghammer said students should be made more responsible for decisions they’ve made, “so they don’t destroy chances of getting scholarships. We need to have a scholarship mindset for all students.”

Perkins said she wanted students given opportunities early, so they would know that financial support is available through scholarships.

In conclusion, board member Antoinette Pino congratulated everyone and said, “We have each other’s backs.”

Louis thanked the community for voting her back into office. “It’s a pleasure serving,” she said.

Ullisse, who was surrounded by several family members — some with flower bouquets to offer their congratulations — said she was excited to be elected.

“Thank you to the city of Linden,” she said.

Berghammer said, “Thank you for letting me be the board president again. I remembered, ‘This is hard. Can I continue doing it?’ It’s a major responsibility. Everyone who sits on this board 100% cares about the students, faculty and staff. Community comes first. We have a new year coming on. Together, we are stronger. It’s about caring. It’s about advocacy. It’s about letting our students know we are listening. The work never ends, but if we do it together, our students are rewarded. I am confident we have a lot of work to do and we will do it together.”

Photos by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta