Linden High School entrepreneurial students host Linden police officers

LINDEN, NJ — Linden High School students who are members of the Entrepreneurial Management Achievement Program recently hosted Linden Police Chief David Hart and members of his department for an informal, friendly meeting.

The officers talked about their work, and some students expressed an interest in exploring law enforcement. The Tuesday, Feb. 1, meeting lasted more than an hour.

Hart left the students with his contact information and said his “door is always open.”

EMAP is an independent, reality-based entrepreneurial arts program that has operated with the support of Linden Public Schools for 15 years. It helps LHS students explore concepts in finance, marketing and the arts through real-world business scenarios. The program also focuses on character development as a key to success in all walks of life.

The program is guided by founder and Chairperson Sy Mayerson, President Dianne Blazier-Jiosi, Linden High School graphic arts teacher Debra Heffernan and Linden High School art teacher Lee Gaskins.

Photos Courtesy of Gary Miller