Imagine trains youth facilitators and plans training for adults in October

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — The staff at Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss, is welcoming 15 new youth facilitators who participated in its two-day youth facilitator training program in August. These high school-age volunteers will help create safe spaces for Imagine’s young participants who are grieving the loss of someone close to them.

During their training, the new volunteers learned about Alan Wolfelt’s companioning model and followed in Imagine’s groups, where facilitators walk beside participants on their grief journey. The new youth facilitators also learned about how children may use play to help them process their experiences and understand their feelings.

Imagine’s Mountainside clinical program supervisor, Abigail Priece, shared this about the new group of youth facilitators: “Youth facilitators are such an asset and benefit our children and our overall program. Their energy, connection with the kids and dedication is invaluable. This new group of facilitators is enthusiastic and skilled, and we are excited to welcome them to the Imagine community!”

The demand for Imagine’s programs has been consistently increasing, leading to the addition of new groups and Nights of Support for the upcoming program year. In order to meet the growing need for peer support groups for children, youth, young adults and their parents and caregivers, Imagine is looking for additional adult facilitators as well. A three-day training for adult facilitators is planned for Oct. 12-14, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., each day.

Imagine’s volunteer facilitators come from all walks of life and no special background is required other than a willingness to listen, a heart inclined to serve and the ability to be with children and adults in grief without trying to fix, solve or give advice. No prior experience is necessary.

Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and must attend all three days of the facilitator training. Spanish-speaking volunteers are needed as well. Though Imagine asks facilitators to commit to one year facilitating their peer support groups, many stay on for many years. Here’s what some of Imagine’s facilitators have shared about their experience:

“I love Imagine. I love the people. I love the model, and I love being a part of this incredible place,” said Kathy, who has been facilitating at Imagine for more than 11 years.

“I feel like I get more back than I give from the participants, my fellow facilitators and the staff,” said Debbie, who has been facilitating at Imagine for more than nine years.

“As I offer space for healing to others, I too am healed,” said Thomas, who has been facilitating at Imagine for six years.

If you’d like to participate in Imagine’s upcoming training and join this incredible team of volunteers, visit Imagine’s website at and complete their interest form for the upcoming training. If you have questions regarding volunteering with Imagine, reach out to The staff at Imagine hope to welcome you to its wonderful team of volunteers.

Photo Courtesy of Valerie Steirhoff