NEWARK, NJ — William Register of Hillside, a senior at St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark, received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2027. Register was nominated to the U.S.N.A. by U.S. Representative Donald M. Payne Jr., the congressman representing New Jersey’s 10th District.
Register is the senior group leader of the Boys Prep Division, the top student leadership post at St. Benedict’s and a member of the Benedict’s crew team. The future U.S.N.A. midshipman said he’s excited about the appointment and the opportunity to row for Navy Crew. “It feels good to know what I’m going to be doing for a portion of my life ahead of me,” he said. “I’m looking forward to being part of a really great team, being part of a great school and serving in the military.”
Register became interested in the Naval Academy as a freshman at St. Benedict’s. Midshipmen intern at the Newark school during spring and summer phase and are involved in the five-day, five-night onboarding intensive known as the Freshman Overnight.
“Learning about their life at the Naval Academy really drew me in,” he said.
As Register took on more responsibilities for leading his Benedict’s brothers, he had more opportunities to interact and learn from midshipmen. Working closely with midshipmen during Summer Phase 2022, cemented his decision to apply to the Naval Academy.
“The insights they have on the different styles of leadership and how to talk to and motivate people helped me understand how I could be better here and eventually be a better person moving on,” he said.
While his post-secondary school plans are set, Register isn’t taking it easy any time soon. As senior group leader, he leads a senior team of seven and is responsible for the Boys Prep Division that numbers nearly 525 young men. The team wants a strong fall term finish in academics, activities and attitude for the entire division and are working to ensure all first-year students earn their membership in the Benedict’s community by the end of the school year. Register is also looking forward to his final season on Gray Bee Crew. He will report to the U.S. Naval Academy for Induction Day on Saturday, July 1.
Photo Courtesy of Katherine Noyes