‘Healthiest Show on Earth’ featured at Community Center on Jan. 11

CRANFORD — Children and their families are invited to join Muscle Man Mike and Soccer Sue in the “Healthiest Show on Earth” on Saturday, Jan. 11, at 3:30 p.m. in the Cranford Community Center. The Community Center is located at 220 Walnut Ave.

This Fit4Kids program features instruction, laughter, fun, and exercise, as children are encouraged to keep their bodies healthy. Free tickets will be available in the Children’s Room of Cranford Public Library starting Dec. 21.

The Library is located at 224 Walnut Ave. For more information, call the Children’s Room at 908-709-7272, ext. 2103, or email the library at library@cranfordnj.org. The program is sponsored by the Friendso of the Cranford Public Library.