ELIZABETH — Union County officials recently held ground breaking ceremonies for the new Union County Family Courthouse that will become the dedicated home of several of the Family Division courtrooms in Union County.
Planned for approximately 80,000 square feet of space, the new four-story building at 10 Cherry St. in Elizabeth will provide enhanced security and public access and is designed to receive United States Green Building Code Leadership in Environmental Engineering & Design Certification for full environmental compliance.
“This new Family Courthouse will be a state-of-the-art facility that will meet the needs of Union County families and our Courts for many, many years to come,” said Daniel P. Sullivan, executive director of the Union County Improvement Authority, which financed the $33.3 million project and is managing its construction and completion.
“By utilizing the UCIA’s ability to offer lower cost financing through tax-exempt bonds, we are also saving taxpayers money while adding a much-needed facility that will be of benefit to thousands of Union County residents,” said Sullivan.
The anticipated completion date is December 2014, and the project is anticipated to create up to 60 construction jobs.
Union Vicinage Assignment Judge Karen Cassidy said, “We are pleased that we will have a courthouse that can accommodate the latest in technology and security to serve judges, staff, lawyers and litigants. We look forward to working cooperatively with the county agencies as the project moves forward. On behalf of the Judiciary, I thank all who have made this critical improvement possible.”