Trinity Episcopal Church, 119 Forest Ave., in Cranford, is holding a bake sale fundraiser on Sunday, Nov. 23, at 11 a.m. to help pay medical expenses for Liam Marino, an 8-year-old boy who is currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for brain cancer.

“Liam is fighting for his life and through it all he is still a fun-loving little boy,” said Lisa LeGreca, Trinity’s “Warriors for Liam” fundraiser coordinator. “Everyone is encouraged to come and donate to this life saving cause.”
All Proceeds will go to Liam’s treatment. For additional information about the fundraiser call 908-276-4047.
Trinity Episcopal Church is a family church that has been serving the needs of Cranford area families since 1872. Sunday services are at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and are celebrated by the Reverend Gina Walsh-Minor, Rector Trinity Episcopal Church. For more information about Trinity call visit