Eagle Hall of Fame induction hosted

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — On the evening of Thursday, May 16, the Patriot’s Path Council of Scouting America inducted Dr. D. Michael Hart into the Eagle Scout Hall of Fame.

This award is for individuals who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout at least 25 years previously, have had an outstanding career, volunteer for Scouting and provide exceptional community service.

Hart had a distinguished career in his profession of dentistry. He attended the Ivy League Columbia University and completed a residency. In 1984, he started his own dental practice in Edison. Hart served on the Board of Directors of the Middlesex County Dental Society. He continually improved his professional skills with continuing education, earning a fellowship, then a mastership, then two Lifetime Learning and Service Recognitions in the Academy of General Dentistry. His dental practice grew to four dentists and 18 employees during 37 years.

As a lad, Hart was in the Scouts from first grade through high school. Hart earned the rank of Eagle Scout in December 1966 with Troop 76 in Mountainside at the age of 13.  He was a Pack and Troop leader while his son was in Scouts. After his retirement seven years ago, Hart joined the Flintlocks, which is a group of Scout volunteers who help the council, where he was elected secretary and serves on the foundation board. He earned Wood Badge and was awarded the Trailblazer, Golden Eagle, Cliff Dochterman and Silver Beaver Awards. Hart recently was chairperson of the Patriots’ Path Council Toys For Tots Drive. The Patriots’ Path Council, Scouting America, formerly The Boy Scouts of America, consists of more than 300 Scouting units in five counties of northern New Jersey, serving 10,000 youths.

Hart has been active in Rotary for 42 years. He has served as president of two clubs, was district governor and International Foundation chairperson for six years. He has been given many awards and ran many community charity events. Hart was awarded the Rotary International Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service. Hart created a 501c3 Foundation for the Rotary District, of which he is still chairperson.

Hart grew up in Mountainside and lives in Westfield. He has been married to his wife, Eileen, for 48 years. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.

Photos Courtesy of Dr. D. Michael Hart