CRANFORD, NJ — Cranford VFW Post 335 has recognized Capt. Guy Patterson as VFW Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, according to a press release on Monday, March 13, from the VFW. Patterson has worked for the Cranford Police Department since the beginning of his career in 1999.
“I started my career in the patrol division and then became a field training officer,” Patterson told Cranford Life in a phone interview on Monday, March 13.
“I was a detective in the traffic division and investigated fatal accidents before becoming a sergeant in the patrol division. I was commander of Cranford Police Water Rescue Team and went to New Hampshire to become trained as a water rescue instructor. I trained the rest of the team in water rescue. In 2014, I became captain of operations, which oversees the patrol and investigative divisions.”
According to the press release, Patterson was appointed as a field training officer in 2003, responsible for training recent graduates of the police academy.
“I currently teach fair and impartial policing at the police academy,” Patterson said.
According to the press release, Patterson is both a water rescue technician and swift water technician. During Hurricane Irene in 2011, he led the Water Rescue Team in more than 200 successful rescues from the flooded areas in Cranford. His skills in supervision led him to teach supervision and leadership at the John H. Stamler Police Academy to newly appointed supervisors in the state.
“It is based on his core values that Capt. Patterson brings to Cranford and community policing. Many of these values are key values that the Veteran of Foreign Wars were founded. ‘It is always great to recognize a member of our community who truly believes in what they do in making Cranford a great place to live,” VFW Post Commander Jay Boxwell said in the release.
Patterson said he is honored and humbled to receive the prestigious award, and looks forward to the upcoming award ceremony.
“I will attend the ceremony and receive the award on April 10,” Patterson said. “I’ve received awards in the past, but nothing like this from a VFW or anything like that.
“I believe I was nominated through the chief’s office.
“The VFW is made up of families who fought for this country. I’m honored and humbled to be recognized by them.”
Paterson learned he had been selected for the fairly new statewide award from Boxwell.
“The award just started last year,” Patterson said. “Jay Boxwell let me know I was selected to receive it and I was very honored.”
The ceremony will take place on Monday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. at Cranford VFW Post 335, 479 South Ave. East. All residents are welcome to attend.