Michael Conrad,
varsity discus thrower, shot putter

What is your favorite part of boys track?
“The practices, because I’m always getting better and competing with my teammates.”

In what way has the sport benefited you?
“In the aspect that it gave me something to do and taught me discipline and that, to achieve your goal, you have to work on the small things first.”

What is your biggest challenge when throwing in track?
“Always the circle I’m in and the feel I have that day, as well as the people I am throwing against and have to beat.”

How do you get ready for a track meet?
“I just listen to music and zone out to focus on the meet itself. I give myself no room for distraction. It’s only me, the music, the meet.”

What’s your favorite memory of this season?
“Taking second in the discus in the Mountain Division of Union County Conference meet.”

Who are your favorite professional athletes?
“Jason Witten, because he is relentless and sees the challenges ahead of him and runs through them. Another Is James Brennan, a professional weight lifter and science teacher at Cranford High School. He is dedicated to weight lifting and teaches many about proper nutrition, eating foods that benefit the athlete and how to lift properly in order to succeed at their sport.”

What is your favorite subject in school?
“History because, if we never learned what happened in the past, it would be repeated. I like English as well, because I enjoy writing about creative things and creating different characters.”

What other hobbies do you have?
“I enjoy cooking and lifting weights to better my lifestyle and give me the energy to compete at the level I do.”

What are your plans after high school?
“I am going to continue my studies at the University of West Virginia in Criminology and also attempt to compete at the collegiate level for track and field.”