Cranford drive-through food collection events continue

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CRANFORD, NJ — Cranford United Methodist Church has announced that it will host its next drive-through food collection event on Saturday, Feb. 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the church’s parking lot, as the pandemic rages on and more neighbors are struggling to keep food on the table.

Place your bags of nonperishable food in your trunk, drive up, pop your trunk and volunteers will remove them, so no contact is needed. Your food donations will be delivered to Cranford Family Care, St. Joseph’s Social Services and other local organizations serving families in need.
Cranford United Methodist Church’s parking lot is next to the Cranford Library, 201 Lincoln Ave. E. in Cranford.

Especially needed items, according to a food bank volunteer, include boxed milk, oil, spices, salt, pepper, tea and coffee, sugar, flour, tuna, crackers, soup, canned vegetables, rice, cake mix and frosting, dish detergent, soap and paper goods.

Can’t make that date? There are bins placed outside the entrance to the church off the parking lot where donations can be dropped any time.

Mark your calendars for the next few food drives: March 6, April 10 and May 8, same time, same location.

Photos Courtesy of Paul Lachenauer