CRANFORD, NJ — On Friday, Sept. 20, the Cranford Knights of Columbus hosted its 21st annual Golf Outing, which was a tremendous success with 95 golfers attending at the Galloping Hill Golf Course in Kenilworth. Each year, the council selects two worthy charities to assist with the outing proceeds and, this year, Folds of Honor, which provides scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled military, as well as first responders, was selected.
The council was able to have a ceremonial check presentation at the Cranford VFW Veterans Day Breakfast on Sunday, Nov. 10, with Post Commander Mark Schwartz and post member and Brother Knight Jim D’Arcy, who is also a member of the award-winning Post Color Guard. The Council formally thanked all of the local businesses and organizations that support their annual Golf Outing every year and all of the volunteers that help make this worthy event a success each and every year since its inception in 2004.
The Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization dedicated to four Core Principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Cranford Council supports many charities and civic causes locally, statewide and nationally and are committed to being a viable part of the community. For information about joining the council, contact the Grand Knight Tom Turner at 908-884-4083 or visit the council website at www.cranfordknights.org.
Photo Courtesy of John Doolan