Cranford kicks off first St. Patrick’s Day Parade this weekend

CRANFORD, NJ — Cranford’s first St. Patrick’s Parade is ready to kick off on Sunday, March 16, with more than 30 groups, including Union County Pipes and Drums, Shea Jennings Irish Dancers, floats, bands, fire trucks and more.

The Cranford VFW Post 335 Honor Guard will lead off the parade at 1 p.m. from the Cranford Community Center on Walnut Avenue, followed by the Grand Marshal Barry O’Donovan, known to many as the owner of the Kilkenny House. Marchers include Celtic Festival, Cranford High School Marching Band, Friendly Sons of Ireland, Cranford Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Elks Lodge 2006 Motorcycles, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Diamondettes Baton Twirlers, floats from the Cranford Historical Society, Cranford Jaycees, Celtic Festival and many more.

Marching with the parade trustees and founders will be Mary O’Connor, Irish Woman of the Year, and Dave Farrell, Irish Man of the Year.

Parade Chairman Dr. Terrence Curran emphasized the importance of the many sponsors and volunteers. “We really could not have accomplished so much without the help from dedicated volunteers, including students from Cranford High School who worked on floats and at events,” he said.

The parade will continue down Walnut Avenue through downtown Cranford, ending at N. Union and Springfield avenues, where the Shea Jennings Dancers will perform. Follow Cranford St. Patrick’s Parade on Facebook for details and the latest news.

Photos Courtesy of Kathleen Miller Prunty